Our mission
PIETRALBA's mission is to give the utmost satisfaction to its customers by supporting them in their search for the material most suited to their needs in terms of quality, resistance, beauty and harmony of a whole either inside or outside their living spaces. Their ideas are the starting point of our projects, and are essential for us as they allow us to custom make the architectural item that best represents their vision, their personality and their lifestyle.

PIETRALBAaims at being the bespoke tailor capable of making its customer's wishes come true. Its highest aim is to become the leader in bespoke stonework, playing an important role in an arena and geographic area where a number of companies share the stone market.

The company has evolved to bespoke stonework, inspired by the skills of the historical Cremar it has stemmed from. The resources offered by Cremar's professional skills, combined with a team of experts in stoneworking leads to a solidly grounded code of ethics.
  1. Integrity:
    We work in good faith, with honesty and equity
    We do as we say
    We provide our services in compliance with the contracts we sign and the actions that have been set
    We follow all required procedures
    We respect the confidentiality of business and personal data
    We comply with and apply the professional standards, local and international ethics of our activities
    WE inform and train our personnel on the rules and safety in the workplace
    We respect our obligations and responsibilities on safety
  2. Impartiality and independence:
    Our professional opinions are impartial and unbiased
  3. Respect for all:
    We relate to everyone in the same way, that is, the way we would like to be treated as well
    We always integrate the impact of our actions on others
    We acknowledge and fully value everyone's contribution
    We respect differences and treat every person with no discrimination against nationality, ethnicity, age, gender, religious or political beliefs
  4. Social and environmental responsibility
    Taking into account Pietralba's commitment to offering the utmost satisfaction to its customers, complying with corporate criteria towards society, the new challenges are harmonising profit with responsibility. We all respect the community, people and environment in which we work, evolve and work, and always consider the impact of our actions.


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Informativa sulla privacy ai sensi del D.lgs. 30/06/2003 n.196

Ai sensi dell'articolo 10 della ex-legge 31.12.1996 n. 675, in ottemperanza all'art. 13 del Nuovo Codice Privacy (dlgs 30 Giugno 2003 n° 196) Le forniamo le seguenti informazioni:

Il trattamento dei dati raccolti sarà effettuato mediante elaborazioni manuali, strumenti informatici e telematici e avrà le seguenti finalità:

- dare esecuzione all'invio delle email verso la casella postale degli utenti sottoscritti;

- raccogliere le essenziali informazioni demografiche che ci permettano di perfezionare e promuovere i servizi promozionali e commerciali di Pietralba Srl ;

I dati da Lei conferiti non verranno prestati, venduti o scambiati con altre organizzazioni, se non chiedendoLe espressamente il consenso.

La informiamo che il conferimento dei dati non e obbligatorio per eseguire l'invio delle e-mail stesse.

Il titolare del trattamento dei dati è: Pietralba Srl .

Al titolare del trattamento Lei potra rivolgersi per far valere i suoi diritti cosi come previsti dall'articolo 13 della ex-legge n. 675/96 (accesso, rettifica, integrazione, cancellazione, opposizione ecc.), in ottemperanza all'art. 7 del Nuovo Codice Privacy (dlgs 30 Giugno 2003 n° 196).